Looking forward to a wonderful drive around the Yorkshire Dales today, I backed the Morgan out of its garage and was informed by my wife that there was water dropping from underneath the car.
Oh joy, I thought as I opened the bonnet to find it dripping vigorously from the junction where the top hose joins the radiator top.
I didn't have a ratchet small enough to fit the nut on the clip connecting the hose to the radiator so I phoned my local garage and he said to bring it down for inspection. Only a mile away, we drove there almost without any water in the engine.
Therein lies the problem! |
It did not take long to be informed that the junction, where the top hose meets the radiator had completely broken off.
Note the water on the floor. |
There was only one solution. Contact my breakdown recovery firm, Nationwide, who speedily and efficiently arranged for the car to be transported to Lifes Motors in Southport, an hour away, to have a new radiator fitted.
Paul, my very excellent local engineer. |
Excellent service from my local garage, highly efficient service from Nationwide and a similar response from my Morgan dealer, who are ordering a brand new bespoke aluminium radiator to be supplied and fitted
How embarrassing!! |
Sadly this will mean a long delay before we can once again enjoy the benefits of Morgan ownership to the full. Ah well, such is life!!
A fond farewell! |
It was after I returned home that my wife told me that our neighbour had spotted the car looking gorgeous on the above trailer and thought that it might have been heading for a show....if only!!
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