Sunday, 2 September 2018

Posing again!....

.....Well at my age you are considered invisible, so the only way that I can get any semblance of interest now is to get out in the Morgan!
The Wyre Estuary Country Park, not exactly reminiscent of the Costas especially with the tide out!
Having said that, up 'ere in deepest Lancashire the vast majority of the population haven't a clue what sort of car I am driving, at best probably regarding it as some type of kit car.

However, there are a number of more sophisticated, well read individuals, like me, who do appreciate it and shout, 'ooh it's luvely, I bet they're not building those anymore' which I reply ad nauseam my well rehearsed response. It's a 2008 4/4 (4 wheels,4cylinders), the longest running production model in the UK, built in Gt Malvern etc.,etc.,etc.,etc!
Although when the car does get some attention I thoroughly enjoy it and it does enrich the driving experience.

Today, nothing happened at all and I put it down to the fact that it was a bit cloudy, keeping most residents indoors and particularly where I was, it seemed that most of the people were giving more attention to their pooches, totally ignoring the fabulous car and driver pootling passed them!
Almost home!
Ah well!

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