Friday, 15 January 2016

HM Schooner 'Pickle' is completed!

Firstly, belated New Year greetings to all my readers and fellow Morgan owners.

Appalling weather in the north of England, coupled with the fact that I have been smitten by a ghastly viral infection that will not go away, has meant that Morgan motoring has been limited to a couple of trips up the coast to Fleetwood.

It is most frustrating because we now seem to be entering a period of cold, sunny weather, ideal for a pootle in the Mog and I am still not well. However, enough of this.

For the past three months I have been building a model of one of Nelson's ships, in fact the one that brought the news of victory at Trafalgar and the loss of Nelson to England. An earlier post by me gives more detail.

The pictures tell the story of the build.

Coppering the hull. A system that prevented weed growth and made our ships faster than our enemies.

The decking completed

Carronades positioned.
The windlass, pawl bitts, hatches, companionway, tiller and bowsprit fitted.
Completing the Ratlines, a long process!!
My Nelson fleet!!
......and now perhaps I can concentrate on Morgan matters!